Sunday, January 23, 2011

On friday, I went into Dr Masons office with bleeding. Dr mason was out of town so Dr Slovak checked me, she was worried the cerclage was moving. She said I was dilated to a 1. I was having contractions 5 min apart. I went to L&D for magnesium and doc decided to transfer me to Baylor Dallas for babies' safety. The ambulance ride was awful but the babies and I made it safely. They checked me in quickly and sonogramed the babies. Both babies are doing great! Then checked my cervix, I was dilated to 4 cm; 100% effaced. They decided to give me an epidural and remove cerclage within hours. We made a few phone calls and sent texts. Lots of folks came straight to the hospital. Two Drs and I thought the babies would be here by 10 pm. However, the babies decided they were not ready. The last cervix check, I was dilated to a 5. The magnesium and epidural slowed the process. My contractions had slowed down to about 6 an hour.

Med list: magnesium, epidural, antibiotics

On mag, you have to be closely monitored- blood pressure cuff, baby monitors, contraction monitor, vitals every 2 hrs, plus no food. Also, the epidural made my legs tingly all night...needless to say I didn't sleep a wink. We limited visitors on Saturday bc I was grumpy and Luke and I needed to mentally prepare...you know we are planners. This pregnancy is continuing to be everything but predictable!

Saturday- no change. Mom, dad, carol were here most of the day just in case anything changed. We made plans for Hannahs week, etc. Katie, keres, Gram pam, daddy george, and cary had Hannah, Ava and George. Sarah Dudley sat with me Sat night. Luke, JD, Jake went to have a burger.

January 23, Sunday at 7:00am
I still haven't delivered. They haven't checked my cervix since Friday night. They took out cerclage on friday night and nothing changed. Now, I am stable, still in L&D room. Yesterday, they took me off mag, took off monitors, turned off epi. Now, I am taking 30 mg of a drug similar to procardia every 6 hours. This drug just smooths uterine contractions. I am still feeling a few sporadic contractions. Other than that I feel good. They are transferring me to an antepartum room today with close monitoring. Still on bed rest with bathroom privileges. Dr might do growth scan on the babies today.

I think Hannah may visit today. We want to get her used to where the babies will be born. I am hoping to have a nurse talk to her about nicu. My gestational diabetes is questionable. All my blood sugar tests are low. They may change my diet plan today to ensure the babies are getting enough calories.

Thank you to everyone who sat in the waiting room on Friday night! Sorry for the false alarm! Thank you to everyone that has called, emailed, texted, face booked. We appreciate your prayers, love and support. We are taking life day by day...I feel very comfortable being in Dallas! Much love, tasa


  1. Thanks for sharing your blog. Praying for all of you! Hang in there
    Sarah Durrum Zipser

  2. You are doing an amazing job! The end result of all this is almost here....keep the high spirits and know you were chosen for this, God has a plan!
    Hugs and love,
    The Selfs
