Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 10 bedrest .....

In 10 days, I've learned that....
1.  Luke is great at household chores, being a nurse, picking out all of our clothes, re-stocking my 'camp', running errands, etc.
2.  my new iPad is fabulous and almost essential
3.  washing hands under running water is so much better than hand sanitizer
4.  a daily shower is a luxury
5.  make-up can make life a little better
6.  a high ponytail is the new hairdo for 3 months
7.  TV is nice for noise but thats about it
8.  Hannah can bathe and dress herself
9.  People love to visit and bring food : )
10.  I can fix my hair and Hannah's hair in the bed
11.  I can take a 4 min shower when Luke is timing me  
12.  We have the greatest support system, I already knew it though.


  1. You're doing great! God will totally carry you through this!
    Hugs, love and I am only a phone call or 80 miles aways!

  2. Diana and I love, and are praying for you all!!! We are only a phone call away and are willing, and available, to come there for any reason. Talk to y'all soon.

    Aunt Amy & Diana

  3. Hey Tasa, I come to MP a couple of times a week, so if you ever need anything or just a new face, you can call me anytime. My prayer for you, is that when those precious babies get here, they are as easy and wonderful as my twins were for me. Praying for you, Luke, Hannah and the babies.

  4. Tasa.. you are doing great..praying for you and your precious family..love and blessings!

  5. Amy Schmitt told me what was going on with you and your sweet family. You have been in my thoughts and prayers, and I know I don't know you that well, I feel like I do. It sounds like you are doing great and have so many great people taking care of you. I love Dr. Slovak and Dr. Mason too!!!
