Thursday, October 7, 2010

16 Week Appointment

Whew...16 weeks already and almost half-way there !  Our personal goal is 35 weeks to delivery, about the middle of February, with only home bedrest.  My perinatologist, Dr. Koster, said this is possible and happens a lot these days.  So...we will see.   I have faith in the Lord and both of my doctors.  I know we will be taken care of.  I am so thankful for smart doctors. 

OK-here's the newest !!  All three babies look perfect. We heard all 3 heartbeats and saw all 3 babies doing flips in my belly.  The umbilical cords look 'beautiful' in case you were wondering.  Dr. Mason said that about 5 times so I guess they look really good.  We even saw Baby C try to grasp the cord.   YES.... we saw some 'extra' boy parts !  Since I am only 16 weeks, this could change due to position of baby, etc. but...here is what we saw after 45 minutes of searching (Gotta love Dr. Mason) :

Baby A- Boy 99% Sure;  Luke saw the 'parts' first, then Dr. Mason confirmed. 
Baby B - Girl 50 % Sure....still very uncertain;  Doc thinks girl but baby didn't cooperate
Baby C-Boy 75% Sure...again didn't cooperate very well; but the picture says boy

We love to watch the babies go wild in my belly. To see that they all look healthy is such a JOY.  I still feel really good; however, I am getting bigger by the minute.  Interesting fact: Belly is measuring 24 weeks and I am only 16 weeks...but its a good thing. 

I dont have an appetite but I manage to eat, of course.  I am starting to wake up at 3 or 4AM and I have the hardest time getting back to sleep.  Why does that always happen during pregnancy ? Then, when the baby(ies) get here is dreadful to wake up during the night. 
Next Appointment: Anatomic Sonogram and tour of hospital, Thursday, Oct. 21st.  All genders will be confirmed. 

Hannah News:  Hannah is doing great in Kindergarten.  She is learning so much.  I continue to be impressed by her knowledge and memory.  She is blessed with her daddy's memory of seeing/hearing things one time and remembering forever. 

Hannah performed at the fair on Saturday for a total of 39 seconds.  She did great for her first performance.  I will save the picture/video posting until we go to big competition in November. 

A BIG THANK YOU to all our family and friends for lifting us up in prayer.  I can truly feel your love and support. It will be a fun and exciting journey for all of us and I am thankful for your interest. 


  1. You look Awesome! I am so excited for ya'll. I love reading about your adventure, it gives me goosebumps. I wish I had known about blogging when I was expecting all of mine, especially the twins, maybe I would remember more of it :) I pray things continue to go well for all of you!

  2. Tasa and Luke and Hannah..God has blessed you with 3 lil angels..so excited and happy for you..praying for you and your family daily..love you all!
