Wednesday, September 1, 2010

11 weeks

  I am now 11 weeks and I finally feel  like a normal human being.   I am still so exhausted but I can handle it.  The nausea is for the birds.  I do not have another Dr. visit until next Thursday, Sept.9,2010.  I always feel like it is "hurry up and wait."  It is so comforting to see these babies on the sonogram and hear their heartbeats pounding.   At my last Dr. visit in Dallas with Dr. Koster, she noticed that one heartbeat was faster than the other two.  She jokingly stated that was my 'girl.'  :)   We should find out the sexes of all three babies at the end of September.  I can't wait !!! 
Yesterday, I thought it was interesting to compare the size of my belly during this pregnancy with the size of my belly with Hannah.  Here goes... 
11 weeks with triplets
19 weeks with Hannah

1 comment:

  1. Tasa,
    I am SOOOO excited for you and this journey! It will BE amazing!!!! You will be a wonderful mother to three + 1! Here for you always! Amanda
