Monday, April 18, 2011

Swing of things

We are getting into the swing of things!  The babies are doing so good!  Having two infants is such a new experience.  The funny thing is the babies are so different.  During the day, they are rarely awake at the same time.  This is good and bad.  Good bc I can hold, talk, play with one at a time.  Bad bc I am always entertaining a baby.   However, I have learned to entertain without holding.  Both of them love to sit in the middle of the kitchen while I cook, etc.  They love looking up at the lights.  They also like being in the front pack.  Jake would lounge all day without being held but Ella likes to have company all the time!  Jake is already smiling and cooing a little so he is pretty irresistible when awake.  Ella has the most crystal blue eyes and she is fun to hold and talk too.   I think jake's eyes will be hazel like Luke's.    Ella has her Papaw williams and Cita's eyes.  

Hannah is super excited about Easter and hunting eggs.  We have breakfast with the bunny and a egg hunt at the Fites.  We are so thankful for spring and warmer weather.  We are loving to walk.  How do I walk with all three?  Well, I have a double jog stroller.  Hannah and her choice of baby ride in the stroller and the other baby rides in the front pack.  (Hannah normally picks the baby that is awake or the one not crying).

How are we sleeping?  Good!  I feed Ella Clare at 9ish and I go to bed.  Daddy feeds Jake at 10ish.  Jake normally wakes about 2 and I put him in our bed.  We sleep till sister is ready to eat at 3ish.  Then we sleep until 7ish. Pretty good I think!

Tasa Anderson

Sent from my iPad 

Friday, April 8, 2011

2 months old

WOW!  Sarah D. was right when she said I wouldn't blog after the babies were born.  :)  I just had so much free time on bedrest.  Now, my "free' time is spent making bottles, doing laundry, playing outside with Hannah, cooking, etc. etc...

Baby update:
Ella Clare weighs 11 lbs and 20 in long. She is eating about 4-5 oz per feeding. 
Jakers weighs 7 lb 15oz and 20 1/2 long.  He is eating 3-4 oz per feeding. He may be our long and lean little man. 

Their growth is great per Dr. Stagg!  Both babies eat every 3-4 hours during the day.  On a good night, they sleep from 10-3am.  We are still trying to follow a routine so Luke can rest after the 10pm feeding.  I go to bed at 9ish and sleep till 3am.  Hannah is learning to sleep through the late night feedings but, sometimes, Miss Ella will wake her.  I dont mind rocking both my girls at 3am as long as they go back to sleep QUICKLY!

We are all finding a new normal and life is GOOD!  Our mothers have really helped us out the past few weeks.  Cita stays on Tuesday night and Jan-Jan stays on Thursday night.  It makes a WORLD of difference to sleep for 5+ hours at a time.  I feel like a new person!  THANK YOU A MILLION! 

Heres a glimpse of our 2 month pics:

Friday, April 1, 2011

6 weeks old

Ahhh...finally i have a moment to blog. The past 6 weeks have flown by. The babies are very good babies and are so different than Hannah as a newborn. Hannah was so colicky and just demanding. Ella is a little more demanding than Jake but still super chill....if her belly is full. ;). She weighs at least 9 pounds and has very kissable cheeks! Jake is the definition of a great baby. He is SOOOO laid back. He weighs about 8 pounds. Both babies are staying awake a little more during the day and sleeping from 10pm-3am. Then back to sleep until about 7am. Luke does the 10pm feeding and I do the 3am feeding. It works really well until one has a super mean streak!