Ella Clare weighs 15 lbs 3 oz and 23 in long. Jake weighs 12 lbs 6 oz and 23 in long. We got 3 shots in our legs but seemed to do ok. Both babies are eating cereal and applesauce for lunch and we will begin veggies in 2 weeks (in Rockport).
This summer is super wild! Hannah has had company almost everyday so she is staying busy. Meli Pennington has been wonderful help with the babies and she is a great role model for Hannah since she is almost 8. Also, Ava Fite has come to play and spend the night. Hannah always acts so grown up with Ava. She says "Ava we have to pick up our toys before we start a new project." I wanna say...yeah right, Hannah, like you do that on a regular basis. The are great buddies...and cousins.
I have help 3 days a week which is fabulous! I love that high school girls really love playing with babies. It makes my life easier. The babies are getting so spoiled.
Hannah gets to be a flowergirl in a wedding (Caroline Strube's wedding) this weekend for the first time. She is excited but I am SO nervous. I am not sure if she will walk down the aisle. She may be super shy! We have to do some serious bribing. I get to stay the night in Dallas, away from the babies for the first time. Jan Jan and Audra are staying with the babies!
Luke gets to go on an all boys fishing trip this weekend in Louisiana. He is so excited and rightfully so...I can't even imagine 4 days away on a boat with no kiddos. :)
In the midst of all this excitement, our anniversary is June 15th! We have been married 9 years! Happy Anniversary, my dear! I love you!